Creekside holds an annual spring performance for all classes two years & older.
This was Braxton's first performance and to watch him along with all of the two years olds was just precious!

This years theme was
Children Around the World.
Each class made t-shirts to help represent the country they were displaying.
The actual performance consisted of 4 songs that were from each nation which the childrensang and did movements to that help us parents know what the song was about!
It's amazing what you can get a group of two year olds to do!

Very attentive young children doing the movements & singing the words to a song!

"He's got the whole world in His hands" was the song that went with this picture. It was cute to see how each child did the motions & how they each were so in tune with their performance. Some cried but most did a very good job standing on stage in front of a huge audience of proud parents! Jeremy & I were on the front row and I think I had tears in my eyes, shhhh don't tell anyone!

Get a good look at the big shot with his hands in his pockets!!!

This was such a great moment for us. I was very anxious to see Brax and how he would do, especially with us in the front row and at least a 100 people in the gym, but he rocked it out!
Who knows he may be the next American Idol!!!!