The much anticipated arrival of Hudson
is drawing to an end, only five more days left & he will be here!!!

I finally have gotten his room finished with the help
of a wonderful friend, Kim Airhart.
She has such a knack for decorating & does a wonderful job as you will see.
She & I spent an afternoon together last week and knocked out this project.

Take a look at the adorable pillow.
Thank you to great friend Heather for the special gift!
Kim & I had a great time together laughing, sharing ideas, shopping, decorating & just making great memories being silly women without our kids & hubby's.
It's always amazing how real we are with each other in times like this!
Anyhow, enough about us this is supposed to be about Hudson!!!

How about changing the bedding 10 days before he is due. That's what I did and I am ever so thankful for doing so because this looks great and the other stuff I had was cute but just didn't do it for me. Hudson's room is themed stars & airplanes and is perfect!!

Nanny gave him this cool airplane bank and the blocks were Braxton's
How neat to have his initials on the blocks.
Simple things like this I would have never thought of but are extremely cute!!

The teddy bear was given to Brax from our good friends the Russel's & my kind hearted son gave not only this bear but all his stuffed animals to his little brother, even Iggy his iguana which he has slept with for the past year and half. The adorable pilots hat is from Kim. How stinking cute!!!

Hudson's dresser & hutch are filled with many cute trinkets that were given to him from special people who already love him so much. One in particular is an old time Chicago Bears airplane which was my papa's (a very sentimental gift) and I am ever grateful to Evelyne for being so thoughtful in her giving! This will always be special to me and I will explain to Hudson just how cool this plane is & who it belonged to. Papa loved the Bears & to have this keepsake is absolutely incredible. I can't wait to share the stories of my papa with Hudson.

The shelving is super cute and the monogrammed blocks really top it off!!
Evelyne or Cookie as Hudson will call her handmade these and man I swear they are adorable.
The stars above the shelving are to hang pictures from. A very trendy way to show off the ones you love the most! I can't wait to use them
Anyhow, 5 days......
Where did the time go? I can not believe I am soon to be a mother of two boys!
WOW!!!! I look forward to seeing our family grow & become a family of four. Hudson already holds a special place in my heart but I know once I get my hands on him &actually look at him for the first time the love I have for Hudson will grow exponentially. I pray that my boys are the best of friends and will walk through life together being each others "go to guy."
A special thanks to Kim for helping me make Hudson's room perfect & thaks to all of you who have helped out along the way. I know many are anxiously awaiting to meet our new little guy. Most importantly thank you God for making this miracle happen and giving Jeremy & I another chance to parent child.