Our fourth was filled with lots of fun...
We went to the mountain house with all the Glaze's
and were blessed to have Bekki, Katie, Aunt Faye & Genine (one of Carly's friends) come to.
Them being there made it that much better!

Jer took this really cool picture while we were waiting on the parade to start.
This is a great picture that shows God's wonders & the beauty of our flag!

The first 4th of July as a family of four
Aren't we so cute!!!

Jer & I are waiting on the parade to start.

Proud parents of our new little guy.
Hudson we love you so much!

Big brother Brax having fun at the parade.

I just love giving you kisses!!

Action Shot...
Reed Will & Brax were doing somersaults on the blanket to pass the time.
They all had a blast!

Braxton is just the little stud sporting his shades!

Sky Valley holds an annual rubber duck race that the kids have participated in the last two years. Braxton & I are looking for his duck that is making it's way down the creek at the golf course. Needless to say no one in our party has won, YET!!!

Fun at the fireworks!!!!
All of us hung out at the golf course to watch the fireworks. The kids loved running around the course and even playing a game of bowling golf on the green that we were on.

Heres the whole gang!!!

Braxton loves holding Hudson!

Three beautiful young ladies!!!
Jeanine, Katie & Carly

The cousins....
Braxton, Will, Reed & Carly

Showing the spriit of the holiday in his underware & all.

Brax really enjoyed making cupcakes with the girls. He decorated them with both blue & red gel and placed flags & stars on them too. One would have thought that orange was involved judging by the look at his lips!

Braxton & all the pretty gilrs!!!
I think that Brax & Carly were having a discussion on what looks the best or who was going to supervise the others!!!

"Can I make it or should I ask for help?"
Brax is seriously thinking of his next move while playing at the waterfall in the valley.

Boys love to play in the water and the mud!!!!

It was all I could do to keep a hand on him, I swear the kid is fearless!

Enjoying the falls!!!

Moms & the boys....

Look at these two handsome fellows!

One of the cutest kids ever!!!!!
Brax is in the back of the truck on our way to the waterfall.

The gang!!!
Thanks to all of our soldiers past & present who serve our country to give me & my family freedom. Your sacrifice is priceless and I am ever so grateful to them all.
Happy 4th of July!!!!