Our annual family vacation was yet again a blast.
Grandma & Grandpa took all of us to St. George Island once again.
We all had a great time doing a few different things but mostly just chilling!!
This was, of course Hudson's first experience at the beach
and as you will see his feelings were pretty neutral.

Family photo night was a hit with Brax! He loved showing off for the camera!
He's such a Ham!!!!

Life is too hard for this little guy!!

Sweatshirt, Really?
Brax had to get a sweatshirt & wear it even though it was a
100 degrees because that's what the big kids were doing!

Diggin in the sand!
He loved playing in the sand and making sandcastles, well he actually called them towers.
We used solo cups to make the towers!

Daddy & Hudson enjoying the morning on the back deck!
Aren't they precious!?!?

I only wish I knew what they were both thinking and the conversation they were having....

Go, B Go!!

Man, that's a BIG ocean
Braxton contemplating to run or come back & hang out!

Oh it looks like they are planning something....
I wonder what it could be?

Life is just way too HARD!!!!

How stinking sweet are Reed & Hudson!!!

They are so gorgeous!

The boys chillin at the pool!

"Really Mom, c'mon another picture...."
It looks as if both of them are thinking that!

The gang looking at the fish that Jeremy & Jason caught.

Me & my boys!!!

Hudson really knows how to relax!


Hanging out at the beach!

Not sure if they are both exhausted or having some serious thinking time together!

Not sure if my mom is of another decent or am I just that white,
thinks Hudson!

Hudson is looking intently at something, who knows what it is!

One of the afternoon activities were feeding the birds!
One would not think this was very much fun but the Glaze family always takes things to the next level. We were not only feeding them we were making them run into each other and even worse run into the house. I know its bad but man it sure made for some real good laughs!

On the boardwalk!

Brax is saying "hey, let me hold Hudson Reed!"
We all had so much fun this year. The weather was great and the kids behaved and we just really enjoyed everyone's company. Thank you Gma & Gpa for a great week at the beach!