Braxton Playing RockBand to Dave Matthews; Got to start out right!!!
A summation of the past 17 months, WOW!!!!
It has been crazy!!! All of us Jer, Brax & myself all have learned and continue to learn so much each & everyday. Braxton is truly a God sent angel and has done so much for both Jeremy & I. Braxton has changed our lives in so many ways that's it so hard to know where to begin.
First off, I resigned from my job as manager of a BB&T bank so I could spend all my time with my little guy! That was the best thing that I ever choose to do. Although it was very hard and took much deliberation I can honestly say that it was the right thing and more importantly the best decision I have ever made, well besides marrying Jeremy!
Life begins at home......
So here are, home from he hospital and what now, that is the million dollar question. Learn, live, grow & love or another way is change diapers, feed, sleep, change diapers, feed, sleep etc., you get my drift. Oh yeah I forget to mention stare in awe at Braxton and get the biggest thrill when he does the smallest thing! I knew I always wanted to have a child but I never would have imagined doing the things that I do as a mom (being puked on or cleaning up a diaper explosion as good friend put it). I get excited about crazy things but they are so cute and so much fun!
Braxton's first momentous moment was at two weeks old. He rolled over form his stomach to his back. I was in disbelief as was everyone else until he proved mommy right. Way to go Braxton!!! I called Jeremy immediately to tell him & he played it off like it was a freak happening well Braxton again rolled over when daddy got home from work so let's just say dad was shocked!
The first time Braxton smiled at me was one Saturday morning when he was 6 weeks old, talking about incredible! His smile made me fall in love with him that much more!
I am basically going to bullet point because this could take forever...
4 months was fun!!! Braxton started sitting up by his self and he got to now eat cereal & solids, I couldn't wait for this day! I had went to Walmart three days before his 4 month check up to buy what seemed like the whole store of baby food! I was soooo excited about this moment. The first time he ate cereal was hilarious. Jeremy fed him and the facial expressions (of both daddy & Brax) along with the cereal all over Braxton was so much fun! After he started to get the hang of the spoon it was on, my boy loves to EAT. He now says "EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT" whiling dragging his hight chair to the table!!!
Teething began at 5 months and by 9 months he had 6 teeth. Braxton never really crawled he would scoot on his belly but he picked up walking a week before he was 9 months old. We were amazed. He was shaky but hey he was not even 9 months. By 10 months I was chasing him everywhere. His first steps were to me from his daddy, and yea we are those parents he is on YouTube!!! Now was the time when Brax started to get hurt a lot! There was one week that there was a different injury everyday and I am not talking little things either. We got pushed off a tractor and hit his on the concrete by his cousins, a busted lip, cut finger from a kitchen tool, pulled a chair over on him, and ran into the end table leaving a monstrous knot on his forehead, that Jer & I debated on taking him to the ER. WOW what a week!!! Thank the Good Lord above one of those weeks have yet to happen again as well as none of the injuries were too serious.
As for talking, well I think he is going to be like me. He said mama at 6 1\2 months and has always been a chatterbox! Braxton also loves to dance, sing & play musical instruments especially the piano & drums! He also loves to be loud and has loved other to be loud all his life!
Other big things we have done along the way, the beach twice, we love the pool (went for our first dip at 6 weeks), thank goodness for Grandma's pool! We enrolled Braxton in ISR (Infant Swim Resource) training. He can save himself if he were to fall into a body of water, its on YouTube if you do not believe me! We started preschool which loves and has peed in the podie standing up three time already!!! I know there is so much more that I am leaving out but thats what I get for waiting so long to do this.
Basically we have a happy, loving full of life little boy who loves to play outside and be with family & friends. We love to play on the playground, read books, watch blues clues & especially Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and play with his dog Duchess!
We could not be more proud and thankful for our Braxton, he truly is the love of our lives!
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