This day was so unique that I nor Jeremy and I believe I can speak for the others that were there with us will never forget and truly hold dear to our hearts forever. This day we made our way down to the Atlanta Dream Center which is in the heart of Atlanta, the 4th ward of the projects to be exact. We went to volunteer for the day at the Dream Center with our friends from small group, (Kim, Chris, Will & some of the Kim's neighbors & other friends). Let's just say all of our eyes and hearts were opened to what reality is in others eyes. Our mission for the day was to deliver presents to these kids that lived in projects. The program is called adopt-a-block. People go to these homes and knock on there doors to talk to these people, try to spread Gods love to them and give them a glimpse of hope! I believe that we the volunteers were touched by God in so many ways and felt Him at work all throughout us and the city!
The day started out in the front lawn of the the Dream Center which is an old house in a neighborhood. There were about 400 people just gathering throughout, bringing toys, grilling hot dogs & hamburgers, mingling, & getting ready for the days activities. Then we started worshiping. The worship leader started singing "God of this City," and wow it was life changing. It was so surreal. Standing in the front lawn of a house with 400 complete strangers all singing in one accord "Greater things are yet to come greater tings are still to be don in this city!!!" It brought tears of joy to my eyes and proved once again how awesome God is!! Once worship was over we split into small groups and embarked on our mission to find children that may not get a Christmas and give them one as well as to let them know God is here with us and is always with you. He is Great and all powerful!!! We saw many things that day; from smiles of disbelief that they were getting toys, to small children (age 2 or 3) trying to protect their little brother from us because she thought we were going to harm them as they were broken into just that week. It was pitiful to see that fear in her eyes. The little girl was literally shaking and trying to move her brother in the apartment. The end result at this house was amazing, they welcomed us into their home and we handed out toys to them all and the little girl that was once terrified was smiling & playing like one her age should be!
The last house we visited was by far the most emotional. I know it will stick with me forever. My heart broke for these kids that were lived here. A 3 year old girl, Honesty, & 8 month old little girl, Faith. The mother was in the car in the driveway leaving her children in the house alone. We gave them so many presents and showered them with love for the longest period of time. When I saw Faith, the baby, in a swing just sitting there unattended to and what seemed to be unloved I made a mad dash to get her. I had to hold, comfort, and love this child as if she were my very own. I held Faith for a long time. I held her so close to me and kissed her and just loved this baby! I was crying I could not help myself and did not want to put her down. I wanted this child to come home with me, to give her a better life , one she deserves. Faith showed me hope in the end. This little 8 month child who was in a dirty diaper, half clothed, & in a very poor,environment, was happy in my arms. She smiled at me, played with me, all in all making me smile & laugh when I thought that was not at all possible. God was there with us, right there next to us, holding all of us in his arms showing us His great power yet again!!! WOW and Thank you is all I can say Lord!!!! This experience, especially the last 15 minutes with Faith (the 8 month old little girl) changed my life. God spoke to me in a way that He has never before (or maybe I just never heard Him). I realized, I mean truly realized that God is always with us no matter what our situation. To have this child in my arms playing a game with me ( I was kissing her forehead and she would lean back & then lean into for me to do it a gain) while we are praying for her & her family was something that will remain with me forever!!!
I believe this experience impacted all of our lives in ways that we know and still have not figured out. All I know is I want more times like this!! Praise God for this day!!!!