Yes, that's right, we had a week of Christmas. We had some sort of Christmas activity everyday of the week of Christmas & two on Friday, Christmas day! Let's just say WOW!!!! We had a blast at all of our families homes and especially at our own house with Braxton, Christmas Eve. He was a real joy this year even though we ended up in the doctors office Christmas Eve morning and not able to attend the Glaze side festivities that day, Daddy went for us, which was really weird!!
Here are the weeks activities & pictures from all!!!
Monday: we we to Grandma & Grandpas to have Christmas with them, Uncle Jason, Aunt Kim, & Cousins Carly, Reed, & Will. Everyone had a great time and racked up!! Braxton got a ton of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse stuff, which is his favorite, as well as a cozy coupe car which he adores!!! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!!!
Tuesday: was Small Group Christmas at the Bells house. We had yummy food and celebrated a birthday as well as played a game and heard a really great message from Jeremy!! Group Rocks!!!
Wednesday: we were off to Nanny & Papas house to have Christmas with them, Uncle Lolo, Aunt Allison and cuz Lane. It was so much fun to see the boys play and open presents. Lane & Braxton are only 7 months apart so it's really cool to watch them play together. Santa(Papa) was really good to them as well. Brax got his kitchen which we can't get him out of and not to mention I am loosing all of my utensils to his cabinets!!! Thanks Nanny & Papa!!!!
So that was the starting of our week.... it was fun and we are so thankful for our families!!!
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