So here we go!!!
Bman is all about the potty and its quite interesting! We are not pushing potty training but we are encouraging it if he wants to go! He is really young but he is interested, so why not? Usually he goes before & after his bath and then sometimes in the morning. Braxton loves to carry his stool around from our bathroom to his as seen in the pictures. He also loves to flush the toilet. Let me also say that he is quite the character when it comes to him peeing. He thinks it's hilarious! He looks down and laughs. Sometimes he even pees in weird places, which is not great but what do you do? There was this one time when he told Jeremy "pee pee" so we took him upstairs and let him loose, yeah he was right, he did have to pee pee but he went squatting down on our bathroom floor. I couldn't figure this one out but then it hit me, he is being like Duchess, our dog. He copies her when she goes to the bathroom. This is quite humorous as well because we will be outside and Brax will point to Duch, say "pee pee" and then he squats and who knows he may pee to, can't really tell! Anyhow, it has been fun this far and we plan to start full force in the summer once school is out. Hopefully we will tackle potty training by the end of summer. Wish us luck!!!!