It snowed again today..... the second time in a month in GA, What???
The weather here is crazy this year but we are loving it.
Braxton, Duchess and myself made a little snowman and had a blast playing in it. Duchess went crazy and Brax totally thought she was insane. He laughed so hard at her running around chasing the snow. Duchess would kick up snow when she ran and then I would throw snowballs at her and she would try to bite them. You would have thought Braxton was going to pee his pants he was laughing so hard at all of this (he probably did considering he is still in a diaper)!! Daddy was the photographer in all of this and thank goodness cause he took some really great pictures. I think we had about 3 to 4 inches of snow and that hasn't happened in I do not know when. It was a great time. I even showed Bman how to make a snow angel!! I love having a little kid, it gives me an excuse to do all the quirky fun things that they get to do again!!!
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