Ok I will have to say I am little old to be saying Sping Breakin it in 2010 but that's what we did. My girlfriends & I went to Destin for spring break, how funny is that??? A group of almost 30 year olds on high school spring break!!!!!
Allie, Heather, Trisha, Kim and I all went to Allie's condo for a long weekend. We had so much fun!!! We have been making this an annual trip for the past couple of years and we always look extremely forward to it because it's our time to be together and just let go for a little while. Our spring break consisted of a lot of reading, WOW we are old!!! A quote from Allie this weekend, "look at all of us sitting here just reading our books, man we are so old!!!" this comment was made while sitting on the beach!! If we weren't reading we were sleeping!!!! No high school spring breaker can top that!!!! LOL!!!!
We did happen to break out over the course of the weekend and it truly paid off!!! Thursday night we went to an Irish Pub for dinner, turned out it was ladies night so drinks were free from 10:00 til close. Yeah, we took real advantage of this we made it to one free drink and then we all wanted to go home and go to bed!!! Friday night we went to Baytowne Wharf which is a little community all in it's own. Shops, bars, restaurants and always a good time and a part of our trip! We start out at Steamers eating these enormous buckets of steamed seafood which are fabulous and from there we head to Rum Runners, a piano bar!!! Always makes for a great night with lots of dancing & singing!! We managed to stay out a bit later that night we were home at 12:45 and thank goodness because some of us were falling asleep in the condo elevator which was an awesome sight seeing event to say the least this year( this is an insider sorry to those of you who weren't there)!!!!!! Saturday we had lunch beachside at Back Porch (another tradition), slept on the beach, hit the outlet mall (spent way too much $$$) and then we had our very own pizza party (we made two incredible pizzas for dinner and they both grew these mysterious green spots while cooking, it was the garlic but it definitely got us to look closely) no kidding watch out Papa Johns here we come!!!
Oh Yeah, Is it time for another feeding???? We group of girls love to eat and this phrase was coined for us this weekend. Read, sleep, "is it time for another feeding" was pretty much our main thoughts for the weekend!!! It was wonderful!!!
Anyhow, thanks Allie for another wonderful time at the condo! It never fails to amaze me just how much fun we have together. I look back at middle & high school to fond memories and I love how we are all still close enough to spend long weekends like this together!! Like Kim always says, I hope we are still doing this when we are 80!!!! I love you gals!!!!
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