Friday, June 4, 2010

Brax is TWO!!!!


Wow where has the time went????????????
I can not believe my baby is two. I can honestly say it has been the best and quickest two years of my life. It seems like just yesterday we were checking into the hospital to have Braxton. Man time sure flies.

Over the past two years we have learned so much as a family. Brax was just the right addition to Jer and I. B has really taught us a lot and we are very thankful for him and all his neat things that he does and has shown us over the course of his life.

We are truly blessed to have a happy healthy little boy who loves life!!! As a mother I can not ask for anything more. I love to watch him play, hear him talk, see his gorgeous smile and most of all feel his amazing love!!!! He is my buddy and we have so much fun together each & everyday! Thank you Brax for making mine & daddy's life so entertaining!

Brax birthday consisted of a pool party at Uncles Tom & Aunt Brenda's ( on Sunday May 30th) house where we enjoyed the pool, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cake and lots of Cars themed presents (Brax is into Cars the movie). Our time was spent with our family and it was wonderful. Braxton's great Uncle Dick( my papa's brother) & his family even came, it was so nice to see them as we do not get to that often. Brax had to show off his swimming abilities, he discovered that he loves to jump in the pool and swim to the stairs like the big kids do.

I will defintily say this kid is loved and loves everyone!! Brax gave many hugs to everyone as you can see in the pics.

On his actual bday, today. We are headed to the pool once again with some friends to play & hang out! It is going to be great fun!!!!

Thank you to all for celebrating Bman's birthday with us!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Brax! Jess, you said it great, this has been the best two years of my life.
    I am extremely lucky to be apart of yours and Brax's life. I never thought I could love two people the way I love you and Brax. He is an awesome boy and you are an amazing mother!
