We had so much fun the first time around we just had to go again!!!!
All the Glaze's decided we wanted to go back to St. George Island for one last bang before school started. It was so much fun!!!
This time was completely different in so many ways and I think this time around was more fun at least to me anyways. We got REALLY creative in a lot of different ways and some really cute things took place over the course of the week.
The week started out as just another trip to the beach.... Pool time, beach time (which this time Brax really got a kick out of this time) and nap time!!! But then it started to rain on Monday morning and the fun began. We all ended up on the beach crabbing, yes we were catching crabs out the gulf and it was raining and it was soooo much fun as well as a really a unique experience. Brax was having tremendous amount of fun at this point because he ran up & down the beach singing, "it's raining, it's pouring my daddy is snoring!!!!" So sweet and forever etched in my mind!!!! So with all the crab we caught we decided we were going to be outdoors men and cook the crab, yeah you heard it right we had to kill, cook, and gut approximately 40 or so blue crabs, it was so much fun & turned out very tasty! Then we found the sign.... You are not to keep the female crabs with eggs! Turns out that's all we had what a shame but we did not know we were not supposed to do this. The rest of the day was pretty normal with the exception of cooking the crabs, as it was family affair. Go Doug go!!!! Then came Tuesday, Wave runner day! Grandpa rented two wave runners and everyone got to & more importantly wanted to ride all day long, even Brax got to ride and he loved it, he kept saying Go Fast Go Fast!!!!
After all of this excitement came a lot of reading as you can see Grandpa along with Will & Brax enjoying themselves on the porch. I think Grandpa read like five or six books, he's a machine!!! There was also a lot of napping done by all of us, so much that Kim, Will & Brax all fell asleep on the couch one day, too cute!!!!
Anyhow the rest of the week was about the same as the first few days with the exception of shopping in Apalachicola. We rented wave runners again and oh yeah on that day Katie, Bekki, and Joan say they saw a pilot whale, they swear by it so who knows!!! The wave runners were an awesome experience this time as there was so much marine life all around us, dolphins, sting rays, sea turtles, jelly fish, and even a whale!!!! It was really neat to see all of these animals up close and personal, the dolphins would ride with us or circle us as we sat and watched them play on the wave runners.
Brax was extra precious this trip. There were a few mornings that he woke daddy & I up by singing to us, it was so cute and something that I will always remember. There has been nothing sweater than waking up to my sweet little boy singing "Ba Ba Black Sheep" along with a beach sunrise, it was awesome!!!
These two trips to the beach this year have been of the best ever. There is something about this place that is so home like and more importantly we as a family have fun together all week long!!!
Thanks again Grandma & Grandpa for a great time and awesome memories, We love you!!!!