Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Joys of Chirstmas Morning

Look What Santa left....
Braxton absolutely loved handing out every one's gifts. He had waited so long to do this and he was so proud to finally get to give both dad & I our gifts that he had purchased at school.

Santa was so nice to eat Braxton's Peanut butter cookies & drink all the milk. Santa even wrote a letter to Brax and drew his picture on it. Braxton was very pleased with all of this and he was even more excited about how Santa left a "mess" in his chair at the table. Braxton could hardly believe Santa had set in his chair to eat when he visited our house and better yet Santa left cookie crumbs all in the chair, which Brax thought was the coolest thing, he told everyone that day that Santa made a MESS in my chair!!!!

Santa did a great job! WOW, look at that drawing!

"Glory to God, Gory to God forever!!"

Brax was singing this as he played his new guitar that Santa left for him.
That song is one of his favorites, he and Jer sing it together all the time. Jer usually plays guitar while Brax sings but now they both Play & sing!!

Even Duchess opened presents!!!

I am opening the Braxton's gift while is explaining to me that he bought this for me at school and how he went shopping for it.
It was a precious gift. He bought me a bracelet along with a plate that says:
Mom, I will always hold you dear to my heart!

Braxton is opening his stocking and you can see how excited he was with the M & M's that were in there. I will have to say Duchess looks pretty intrigued as well. I think she was trying to figure out how she can get her paws on them!!!

Here I go!!!
Brax attempting to ride his new Buzz Lightyear bike!
He loves it but is not quite sure of himself on it. We have to push him around while explaining as well as showing him how to use the pedals. He currently uses the pedals to rest his feet!! He's got great form but it just hasn't all come together yet but together we'll figure it out!!!

1 comment:

  1. Santa told me he liked the cookies and would like me to send him some more this weekend....just sayin
