Wednesday, October 14, 2009

WOW.... Look what I have done!

Ok..... I am now an official blogger, Goodness what has this world come to considering I am not at all computer literate and have no idea how to utilize basic computer tech stuff. So I am proud of myself for even getting this far and more so for doing it on my own. Jeremy, on the other hand, has a knack for this kind of thing and would already have an elaborate blog spot up and running.

Why am I doing this one may ask? Well I am trying something new and I need to record my thoughts and life happenings somewhere and this seems to be fun, much easier than writing, and well the new & cool thing to do! I love to journal but just never have the time and my hand always hurts after just a little while of writing, so I rather type! Plus, I need to do this for myself as well as my family. Braxton can one day read all the crazy stuff we do and learn where and how he was taught the things he knows. That should be quite the day!!!! Actually I can't wait for him to read but then again yes I can because I so enjoy him now as mommy's little boy! Braxton is 16 months old and our first child. Can we say I am getting way ahead of myself?

Anyhow, this is pretty neat thus far. Who knows what's to come of it... If I had to make a guess though; it will most likely start as a recap of the past two years of our lives and move on from there. But hey, that's just a guess and if it turn out to be correct, I can promise it will not be boring!

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