Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Story Time!!!

Today we went to to Story time at the library & Chic-fi-la with our new friends Hayes & Briley. At story time we heard a couple of stories, sang songs, danced and even saw two puppet shows! WOW, so much fun! Next we went for the playground and lunch at Chic-fi-la. We had a great time. Our new friends are from our small group that we recently joined and are so wonderful in many ways! We have spent some time with Hayes & his mommy Kim before at the mall but this was our first time with Briley and her mommy Kacey. The kids got all along great and so did us mommies.

I know I really enjoy being with these other women and their children. I thank God for them in several ways. I look forward to our kids growing up together and us parents making the journey of life together. I am so thankful for our small group because it has opened doors for my whole family that were not even cracked before these people were placed in our lives. I truly believe that all of the people are good people and love life as well as our great God and it shows in so many ways. I hope & pray that our children can and will see all of these characteristics in each of us over time. I know that I want to grow with these women and their families for years to come! Like I stated in my previous blog, Good friends are hard to find and even harder to keep but maybe just maybe we will all be in it for the long run! I feel truly blessed to have these ladies and thier families in our lives, I can't seeem to say that enough.

That would be so nice because I already have the scenario played out in my head. Briley is 15 months and is the cutest little red head with the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen. I would not mind if Braxton wanted to keep her along his side but my worry is there is Hayes who is a little younger (6 months) but really cute too and knows what he wants so I think what's gong to happen is Braxton & Hayes will wind up fighting for Briley. How do you like that Kim & Kacey)!! Oh I know I am weird for even writing this but that just shows where I hope our future lies. Thanks for a great morning!!!

1 comment:

  1. Briley says, "I gotta man". So Hayes said he is too young. He is after Miss Sarah or Miss Madison at the moment. So Briley and Braxton sitting in a tree. KISSING!!!! LOL! We love you guys too.
